-- Description
Dealing Constructively with Conflicts as a Software Architect
As an architect, learn to communicate purposefully and interact constructively with stakeholders. Master role clarification, recipient-oriented communication, moderation and dealing with conflicts in development teams.
What keeps software architects from doing the work they are supposed to be doing? They are positioned between the conflicting priorities of different stakeholders (management, customers, development team, etc.) and must communicate and mediate depending on who they are dealing with. They must develop solutions with their development team that can be positively implemented while bridging the gap between budget and quality. They have to think outside the box and at the same time provide practical and all-knowing support wherever it is required. And all that with an often vaguely defined role leading to differences in expectations and without any management authority, while still bearing responsibility as the architect for the outcome. These circumstances lead to conflicts small and large which we address in this training in order to resolve them for the future. This training course provides you with concrete, usable tools for your work. We work on your cases and learn strategies for constructive negotiation, moderation, and conflict resolution. For example, you receive our pocket-sized in-house-developed conflict analysis canvas which helps you to analytically respond to confusing situations:
-- Agenda
Define the role of the software architect: development of one’s own role and interests
Shining a light on stakeholder interests: development of the contact points to other stakeholders and their interests
Learn about the conflict analysis canvas: presentation of the canvas
Analyse conflict cases: consider personal practical cases with the help of the individual elements of the canvas
Develop constructive conflict resolution: presentation of strategies for the prevention of conflicts or their constructive resolution (including moderation of heterogenous groups, receiver-oriented presenting and convincing, coaching questions and lateral management, quick decisions in the group after consent)
Use constructive conflict resolution: use of the appropriate solution strategies in your own practical cases
Transfer: (preventive) behavior for the early recognition and resolution of conflicts in your work
-- Your Benefits
Developing your own role and interests as a software architect
Use of the appropriate resolution strategies in your own work
Receiver-oriented presenting and convincing
-- Audience
The target group of the training is anyone in whose line of work conflicts or unclear communication occur. The course supports software architects, software developers, scrum masters, agile coaches, facilitators, and managers.
-- Training Objectives
Developing your own role and interests as a software architect
Strategies for the prevention of conflict and its constructive resolution
Moderation of heterogenous groups
Introduction to coaching tools and lateral management
Tools for joint decision-making
-- Your Trainers
Kim Nena Duggen
Organizational development, new work, business model development, soft skills
- Soft Skills for Software Architects
- Team Topologies Deep Dive
- Team Topologies in practice
As an organizational architect in the field of New Work, self-organization and (IT) strategy, Kim is in her element when she works with people who want to do something themselves instead of making do with theory or sample solutions. Depending on the situation, she switches to the role of consultant, coach or trainer - depending on which individual challenges with the customer require tailor-made solution strategies. Her experience in process management, as a trainer in EAM, RE, soft skills, new work and as an elected board member of a self-organized cooperative as well as further training in coaching and conflict management and growing up in two cultures have laid a broad foundation for developing organizations both externally and internally. Kim is part of the iSAQB Board and is also a TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).
-- Technical Information and Books
Interview mit New Work Heroes
Mit Kim hat die Welt der New Work eine starke Change Makerin gewonnen. Als gewählte Vorständin eines Softwareunternehmens hat Kim viele wichtige Lektionen im Bereich Selbstorganisation und Mitarbeiterführung gegeben und selber gelernt. Ihre wunderbar offene Art zeugt nicht nur von einer gehörigen Portion Mut, sondern auch von tiefgehender Erfahrung im Bereich Organisationsentwicklung. In dieser Episode lernst du u.A. was Sprechdenker sind oder warum es förderlich ist, als Führungskraft die eigene Unsicherheit zu zeigen. Interview auf Soundcloud
Interview of the iSAQB e.V. with Kim
Kim Nena Duggen, curator of the SOFT advanced module, addresses relevant questions in the interview and gives a good overview of what you can expect from the SOFT training and what significance the module has for your professional practice as a software architect. More information
Faktor A Podcast - Kim über Motivation zur Selbstentwicklung
Wie motiviert man Mitarbeiter:innen und Mitarbeiter, sich der eigenen Weiterentwicklung anzunehmen? Gar nicht, sagt Kim Duggen, denn erstmal geht man davon aus, dass dieses Verlangen intrinsisch vorhanden ist. Im Podcast erklärt sie, wie man dieses schlafende Bedürfnis nach Weiterbildung wecken kann. Podcast auf Spotify
Online Courses
On-site Courses
Event ticketing software by pretix
In-House Training
You can also book this training as an in-house training course exclusively for your team. Please use the enquiry form for more details.
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by Request
Here you will learn many tools to promote psychological safety in the team - with lots of practical exercises.
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Are you aiming for the iSAQB CPSA-A certification and want to prepare yourself optimally for the exam? You've come to the right place.