Promoting psychological safety

1 Day


Dates and Booking


Creating teamwork based on trust

Psychological safety describes a working atmosphere characterized by trust that allows team members to speak unpleasant truths, admit mistakes and show uncertainty among themselves without having to fear negative consequences.

Such a working atmosphere is a basic prerequisite for agile companies, as the “Project Aristotle” study shows. This study carried out at and by Google has shown that psychological safety (at least at Google) is the decisive factor for successful teamwork.

During a day with a high proportion of exercises, you will learn what psychological safety is and why it is so important for successful teamwork within modern forms of work (new work, agility). You will learn about methods that can be used to promote psychological safety.

Very important: we do this not only theoretically, but above all practically. During the workshop, we will try out various exercises and experience how safety and trust also deepen between us participants.


  • What is psychological safety and how does it differ from other concepts?
  • What influences psychological safety and how can we promote it?
  • Get to know and try out online techniques that we can use to increase psychological safety in the team - for everyday life or for special meetings such as team events or retrospectives.
  • Self-reflection - how can I personally contribute to greater psychological safety
  • A toolbox for team-driven development of psychological safety
  • Assessment and change: where do we actually stand and how can I convince my colleagues of the benefits of psychological safety?

Your Benefits

Psychological safety is the basis for the effectiveness of many elements of agility and other new ways of working.

With sufficient psychological safety, there is more valuable feedback, more willingness to try out new things and the organization learns and changes more effectively as a result.

Here you will learn how to consciously increase this.


Everyone in the company who wants to shape teamwork and contribute to good teamwork: especially managers, moderators, (agile) coaches and Scrum Masters

Your Trainers

Markus Wittwer

Markus Wittwer Collaboration Consulting

Psychological safety, effective communication

  • Promoting psychological safety

Markus has been helping companies become successful with agility for more than 20 years. Previously, Markus worked as a software developer and now alternates between the roles of trainer, coach and consultant - depending on what the client’s situation requires.

His focus is on the more invisible aspects of agile change, e.g. trust and effective communication, which make the self-organization of teams effective in the first place; e.g. community building, which makes successful cross-team collaboration possible in the first place; or e.g. the many small interventions and impulses that make a major change to an agile and modern organization successful in the first place.

The promotion of psychological safety is one of the cornerstones of his work.

Links to videos:

  • Manage Stress as a Developer

  • Mind as Code - Mindfulness for Developers and Knowledge Workers](

In-House Training

You can also book this training as an in-house training course exclusively for your team. Please use the enquiry form for more details.

Enquire now

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