Architecture Evaluation

Training iSAQB® CPSA®-Advanced ARCEVAL — 2 days

Methodology 20
Dates and Booking


Reflect Software Architectures

Reflect and evaluate software architectures in a targeted and well-founded manner. Learn to recognize risks, discuss trade-offs and strengthen team communication through architecture assessments.

Architecture assessment is an essential tool for gaining security in architecture design and for developing existing solutions or solution approaches in a focused and sustainable manner. Or for discarding them on an informed basis. Above all, architecture assessment promotes communication and transparency. This makes it an ideal tool in contemporary approaches when used correctly.

In addition to this training you will receive the ebook “Software Systeme reviewen (mit dem Lightweight Approach for Software Reviews – LASR)” by Stefan Toth and Stefan Zörner in German.



  • What are architecture assessments, architecture reviews or software reviews and what their approaches?

  • What are the benefits and objectives of architecture assessments?

  • How do you work out an assessment benchmark?

  • How to refine qualitative requirements in quality scenarios (utility tree)?

  • What are the benefits of the ATAM - Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method?

  • How does workshop-based architecture assessment work in practice?

  • When alternative assessment methods (such as DCAR, PBAR, CBAM, TARA) useful?

  • What do static and dynamic analysis tools do for the assessment of existing system (parts)?

  • How do you prepare the results of an assessment?

  • How to embed assessment methods in (agile) development processes?

Your Benefits

In-depth knowledge of the subject

Assessment precisely fitting your field

Clarity of risks and compromises in your projects

Transparency vis-à-vis important stakeholders

Interaction with review experts


This workshop is primarily aimed at architects and designers who wish to utilize architectural assessment in their work. Interested developers, for example from the field of agile software development, and technical project managers will also gain valuable motivation. Knowledge in the field of architectural styles and design principles as well as practical experience in software architecture and development is an advantage.

Training Objectives

Explain benefits and goals of assessments and reviews

Create the foundations for an assessment

Demarcate qualitative and quantitative methods

Collate and concretize quality requirements

Classify and adapt ATAM and know alternatives

Prepare and undertake assessment workshops

Exploit and pursue results

Embed assessments in your projects

Your Trainers

Stefan Toth


Evolutionary Architecture, Agile Organizations, ADES

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • Architecture Evaluation
  • Lightweight Software Reviews with LASR
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive
  • Team Topologies in practice

Stefan Toth advises developers, teams and companies on software architecture. Sound, clear and effective. His experience ranges from the banking and insurance sector to security-critical industries and support for internet start-ups. In addition to the broad technological context, his methodological experience from agile projects, architecture assessments and IT transformations is his greatest asset. Stefan is a TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).

Stefan Zörner


Architecture documentation, methodical software architecture and cloud applications

  • Architecture Evaluation
  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Flexible architectures
  • Lightweight Architecture Documentation
  • Lightweight Software Reviews with LASR

From Bayer AG to IBM to embarc. Stefan Zörner looks back on 25 years of IT experience and always looks forward with excitement. He provides support in architecture and implementation issues with the aim of effectively anchoring good architecture approaches in the implementation. In lively workshops, he teaches the tools of the trade and is infectious with his enthusiasm. His pragmatic approach to architecture is very well received.

Technical Information and Books

Software-Systeme reviewen mit dem Lightweight Approach for Software Reviews - LASR

Architektur-Reviews ermöglichen Dir Schwächen und Potenziale von Softwarelösungen herauszuarbeiten, Entscheidungen abzusichern und Verbesserungsmaßnahmen zu bewerten. Dieses Buch bringt Dir leichtgewichtige Reviews näher, die Du nach der Lektüre alleine oder in einem kleinen Team direkt durchführen kannst! Leanpub

Architecture Reviews (architecture cheat sheet No. 4)

Architektur-Reviews schaffen Transparenz in der Softwareentwicklung, identifizieren Risiken und decken Kompromisse auf. Mit der vierten Ausgabe unserer Architekturspicker bieten wir Euch einen fundierten Überblick zu dem Thema. Download & Infos

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You can also book this training as an in-house training course exclusively for your team. Please use the enquiry form for more details.

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