Web Security

Training iSAQB® CPSA®-Advanced WEBSEC

2025-03-26 - 2025-03-28


WEBSEC (Online) - Felix Schumacher - German


Develop Secure Web Applications

The operation of a software system is always accompanied by the risk of an attack, be it the exploitation of weaknesses in the libraries, negligence, or social engineering. Web applications accessible globally are particularly exposed to a wide range of attacks. The WEBSEC advanced module enables you to recognize typical attack methods, assess risks in the development of web applications and prevent them with a clean architecture and clear communication.

Your Trainers

Felix Schumacher



  • OWASP Top Ten in der Praxis
  • Web Security

Felix ist Senior Consultant bei INNOQ. Er beschäftigt sich gerne mit IT-Sicherheit, testgetriebener Entwicklung und dem Betrieb und der Weiterentwicklung bestehender Systeme.

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