Web-native Software Architecture

Training iSAQB® CPSA®-Advanced WEB — 3 days

Technology 30
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Sustainable and scalable

Design future-proof and scalable web architectures. Learn how to use proven technologies and methods to develop powerful web applications.

In this training you will learn how software architecture for web applications should be. Reverse proxies, caching, intermediates, HTTP 1/2/3, SSR, SPA, OpenID-Connect - these are just some of the technologies you need to know to design a modern web application. That doesn’t just follow hypes, but is sustainable and scalable. That doesn’t fight against the web, but takes full advantage of its native technologies.

We’ll show you the concepts, architectural options and decision alternatives you need to have up your sleeve, regardless of a particular programming language or framework.

The web is the standard technology for modern application development. Whether desktop or mobile, internet or intranet, the browser is the universal tool of choice for the realization of new UIs. But also in fields away from UIs, such as the backend-to-backend communication, web technologies lead the way. Through its omnipresence, the web ecosystem is flourishing like no other in IT. This however also means that it is almost a full-time job keeping track of available frameworks, tools and even protocols. Whether HTTP/2+3, OpenID Connect, or the latest JavaScript framework, new standards are emerging at every level. But how should these new developments be classified? And what is actually relatively constant in this fast-paced environment?

Participants in a training.

A web application that is subject to high nonfunctional requirements is a complete solution that consists of many individually developed components but also many standard components. Individual tools are therefore only a small building block of the whole system. In this training you will learn independent of a specific programming language or web framework the concepts, architectural options and decision alternatives that you must take into consideration for web applications.

Your Benefits

Deep understanding of the architecture of the web

Design and implement highly scalable architectures

Develop sustainable and robust applications


You already have experience with distributed systems – ideally web applications. You also have basic knowledge of the web technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript as well as at least one server-side framework.

Training Objectives

Basics, protocols and standards

Architectural styles

Technology and infrastructure

Design of web architectures

Quality of web architectures

Example architectures

Your Trainers

Stefan Bodewig


JVM and .NET development, member of the Apache Software Foundation

  • Web-native Software Architecture

Stefan Bodewig works as a Senior Consultant at INNOQ. Stefan became involved with the Apache Software Foundation in 2000 when he started to send patches for Apache Ant. He was the first release manager of Ant and still regularly contributes to it. He is a member of the ASF, the PMC chairman of Apache Gump and can also be found in the Commons, log4net and Lucene.NET projects. During the incubation of Ivy and Lucene.NET Stefan acted as one of the projects’ mentors.

Till Schulte-Coerne


Ergonomic web applications, ROCA contributor

  • Web-native Software Architecture

Till Schulte-Coerne is a Senior Consultant at INNOQ and has been implementing web applications with various technologies and frameworks for many years. His focus is on the architecture and implementation of scalable, ergonomic web applications. Furthermore, he is co-initiator of the frontend architecture variant ROCA. He is a regular trainer for workshops especially on the topic of web architecture and web frontend technologies and has also written several articles on this topic.

Technical Information and Books

Optionen der Frontend-Integration

Die Integration von Daten und Funktionalität im Frontend ist ein mächtiges aber trotzdem relativ selten beleuchtetes Thema. Dieser Artikel soll versuchen gängige Muster aufzuzeigen und kurz mögliche Vor- und Nachteile zu benennen. Artikel lesen

Das technologische Rückgrat des Webs

Lucas Dohmen und Robert Glaser haben sich in dieser Folge einiges vorgenommen. Gemeinsam gehen sie der Frage nach: “Was passiert, wenn man im Browser Enter drückt?” und sprechen damit über nichts geringeres als das Rückgrat des World Wide Webs. Schritt für Schritt arbeiten sich die beiden durch die 3 Säulen des Webs – HTML, HTTP und URLs – bevor sie beim Kern des Pudels ankommen: dem statuslosen Request-Response-Zyklus mit Headern. Podcast anhören


“Ich akzeptiere Cookies”. Jede:r von uns akzeptiert sie mehrmals am Tag. Doch was passiert dabei eigentlich genau? Darüber sprechen Stefan Bodewig, Lucas Dohmen und Till Schulte-Coerne in dieser Folge. Ein zentrales Thema ist: Wozu benutzen wir Cookies und in welchem Zusammenhang stehen sie mit Sessions? Zudem beleuchten Lucas, Till und Stefan, wie Cookies aufgebaut sind und wie sie funktionieren. Außerdem: wie lange gelten Cookies? Wer legt das eigentlich fest und wo liegen sie herum? Podcast anhören

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