Team Topologies in practice

1 Day


Dates and Booking


Microservice or serverless-based software architectures are one thing, but are they also used in an organizational environment that provides for teams with extensive autonomy? This is exactly where our full-day workshop comes in: We will explicitly not dive into the technology, but rather present a model that can be used to achieve a good alignment with the architecture, but also a high level of agility in the organization.

We will start with Team Topologies and its four topologies and three interaction modes. Building on this, we will model your own organizational context with you and iteratively refine your organizational models.

In addition, we will always make reference to topics such as microservices architectures, elements from strategic domain-driven design and other organizational frameworks, so that there are numerous direct points of contact for you.

You can plan one day (09:00-17:00, incl. lunch break) for this workshop.


  • Classification of team topologies in socio-technical systems
  • Team Topologies in theory
  • Team Topologies in practice: Modeling with Team Topologies using our own example
  • Patterns & anti-patterns in the use of Team Topologies
  • Outlook: which other frameworks and methods can be linked to Team Topologies


Software architects, IT project managers, IT team leaders, internal organizational developers

Training Objectives

You know the Team Topologies theory and the most important principles behind it.

You can apply Team Topologies to your own context.

You know how Team Topologies can be linked to other frameworks and methods

Your Trainers

Kim Nena Duggen


Organizational development, new work, business model development, soft skills

  • Soft Skills for Software Architects
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive
  • Team Topologies in practice

As an organizational architect in the field of New Work, self-organization and (IT) strategy, Kim is in her element when she works with people who want to do something themselves instead of making do with theory or sample solutions. Depending on the situation, she switches to the role of consultant, coach or trainer - depending on which individual challenges with the customer require tailor-made solution strategies. Her experience in process management, as a trainer in EAM, RE, soft skills, new work and as an elected board member of a self-organized cooperative as well as further training in coaching and conflict management and growing up in two cultures have laid a broad foundation for developing organizations both externally and internally. Kim is part of the iSAQB Board and is also a TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).

Stefan Toth


Evolutionary Architecture, Agile Organizations, ADES

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • Architecture Evaluation
  • Lightweight Software Reviews with LASR
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive
  • Team Topologies in practice

Stefan Toth advises developers, teams and companies on software architecture. Sound, clear and effective. His experience ranges from the banking and insurance sector to security-critical industries and support for internet start-ups. In addition to the broad technological context, his methodological experience from agile projects, architecture assessments and IT transformations is his greatest asset. Stefan is a TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).

Technical Information and Books

Team Topologies

Organisation von Business- und IT-Teams für einen schnellen Arbeitsfluss. Inkl. Interaktionen in verteilten Teams – Workbook. Team-Topologies-Patterns für eine produktivere Zusammenarbeit

Software Snack – Team Topologies in Theorie & Praxis

Auf der OOP im Januar 2024 hat unsere Trainerin Kim Nena Duggen einen Software Snack, einen Kurzvortrag, zum Thema “Team Topologies in Theorie & Praxis” gehalten. Hier findet ihr die Videoaufzeichnung.

In-House Training

You can also book this training as an in-house training course exclusively for your team. Please use the enquiry form for more details.

Enquire now

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