LASR (Heide Park Resort Soltau) - Stefan Zörner, Stefan Toth - Deutsch
Quickly achieve presentable review results
Reviews uncover weaknesses in software solutions and validate technical and architectural ideas. Classic approaches from this environment, such as ATAM, are well-founded, but are somewhat heavyweight, sometimes almost ceremonial, especially in agile software projects. Their use often requires many participants, and preliminary work is often necessary. As a rule, the methods only deliver raw results that you and your team have to rework afterwards in order to communicate them.
In this training course, you will learn about LASR (Lightweight Approach for Software Reviews), a structured procedure for lightweight software reviews.
We use essences from proven evaluation methods. The approach is leaner than ATAM, but still goal-oriented. It quickly delivers an initial result and offers support material for the evaluation scale, risk identification and result development. You will use it directly in the exercises in this workshop. You and your team can apply LASR immediately afterwards, examine your software system and quickly come to initial conclusions. We will show you a common thread through your review, including possible consolidation points for a higher confidence in the review result where necessary.
As a goodie, you will receive the LASR card set for free with your training.
- What do architecture reviews do?
- Overview of evaluation methods
- What does lightweight mean?
- The Lightweight Approach for Software Reviews
- Applying LASR step by step
- Increasing the confidence of the result (LASR+)
- When LASR does not fit or is not enough: Indicators for other approaches
Your Trainers
Stefan Zörner
Architekturdokumentation, Methodische Softwarearchitektur und Cloud-Anwendungen
- Architecture Evaluation
- CPSA Foundation Level
- Flexible architectures
- Lightweight Architecture Documentation
- Lightweight Software Reviews with LASR
Von der Bayer AG über IBM zu embarc. Stefan Zörner blickt auf 25 Jahre IT-Erfahrung zurück und stets gespannt nach vorn. Er unterstützt in Architektur- und Umsetzungsfragen mit dem Ziel, gute Architekturansätze wirksam in der Implementierung zu verankern. In lebendigen Workshops vermittelt er Handwerkszeug dazu und steckt mit seiner Begeisterung an. Sein pragmatischer Ansatz Architektur festzuhalten findet großen Anklang.
Stefan Toth
Evolutionäre Architektur, Agile Organisationen, ADES
- Agile Software Architecture
- Architecture Evaluation
- Lightweight Software Reviews with LASR
- Team Topologies Deep Dive
- Team Topologies in practice
Stefan Toth berät Entwickler, Teams und Unternehmen in Sachen Softwarearchitektur. Fundiert, klar und effektiv. Seine Erfahrungen reichen vom Banken- und Versicherungssektor über sicherheitskritische Branchen bis hin zur Unterstützung von Internet Start-Ups. Neben dem breiten technologischen Kontext ist die methodische Erfahrung aus agilen Projekten, Architekturbewertungen und IT-Transformationen sein größtes Kapital. Stefan ist TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).