Evolution and Improvement of software architectures

Training iSAQB® CPSA®-Advanced IMPROVE — 3 days

Technology 10
Methodology 20
Dates and Booking


Improve software systems systematically

Improve existing software systems in a targeted and methodical manner. Develop strategic approaches to achieve both technical and business goals.

Software architecture affects all members of a project and is intended to have a long operational life span. Improvements to the software architecture are therefore frequently required, whether as a result of new requirements or technological advances. In this training we’ll tackle the analysis of the existing software architecture, the identification of solution approaches, and the implementation of improvements.



  • Introduction and motivation: legacy and technical debt
  • Learn how to use practical analysis methods
  • Scenario and metric-based evaluation
  • Typical improvement approaches
  • Focusing: aligning measures with architectural goals
  • Structural improvement: recipes for refactoring
  • Learn to estimate and evaluate problems and solutions: Assess risks, costs, and benefits

Your Benefits

Learn practical analysis and improvement methods

Align measures with architectural goals

Recipes for structural improvements


This training is aimed at software developers and architects who want to improve existing systems in a targeted way. You already have practical experience in software architecture and development. Knowledge of a specific technology or programming language is not required.

Training Objectives

Be able to undertake scenario- or metric-based evaluations

Know typical approaches for improvement

Align measures with architectural goals

Assess risks, costs and benefits

Knowledgeably classify modern approaches

Your Trainers

Benjamin Wolf


Architecture documentation, software quality, software development process

  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Evolution and Improvement of software architectures
  • Lightweight Architecture Documentation

Ben is an architect and a developer at INNOQ. He barely puts up with bad code and does not shy away from enormous refactorings. He shares his ideas of software quality and proper software development as trainer, consultant and speaker at conferences and meetups. It is important to him that we recognize that the attitude of a team is crucial for good software quality and far exceeds the value that is provided by technology alone. He is a certified trainer for the iSAQB Foundation level and the advanced level modules IMPROVE and ADOC. Ben is part of the iSAQB board.

Falk Sippach


Architecture reviews, Java expert

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • Application Programming Interfaces
  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Documentation-as-Code
  • Evolution and Improvement of software architectures
  • Fantastic diagrams
  • Flexible architectures

As a trainer, consultant and architect, Falk is always on the lookout for the spark of passion that he can ignite in his participants, customers and colleagues. He has been supporting mostly agile software development projects in the Java environment for over 15 years, initially as a developer and later as a project manager, architect and coach. Falk is convinced that lifelong learning is the prerequisite for professional self-development and lasting enjoyment in what you do. Despite his enthusiasm for new things, he always keeps an eye on people and established structures in order to develop balanced solutions. As an active member of the community, he likes to share his knowledge in articles, blog posts and presentations at conferences or user group meetings and supports the organization of various specialist events. Video: What is Documentation as Code? Falk explains it to you in the stream with Lisa Moritz.

Markus Harrer


Software Analytics, software modernization, initiator cards42

  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Evolution and Improvement of software architectures
  • Getting started with Wardley Maps
  • Improving Software Quality through Data

Markus Harrer is a software engineer who’s passionate about improving the way we do software development. He specializes in the analysis of software data such as source code, application performance data or version control repositories to show the underlying problems of the symptoms we face on the surface. He is an active contributor in communities on the topics of Software Analytics, software architecture, software modernization and Java. He is also an accredited trainer for the iSAQB Foundation Level and the Advanced Level Module IMPROVE.

Sven Johann


DevOps, program chair of GOTO Amsterdam

  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Cloud-Native Teams
  • Evolution and Improvement of software architectures
  • Managing Technical Debt

Sven Johann is Senior Consultant at INNOQ and has been involved in the modernization of medium and large Java applications for many years. He is an active participant in various workshops of the Software Engineering Institute (Managing Technical Debt) and the Leibnitz Zentrum für Informatik (Dagstuhl Seminar »Managing Technical Debt«). He is also Program Chair of GOTO Amsterdam and Show Host of Software Engineering Radio.

Technical Information and Books

Quality tactics

This book provides software architects with a comprehensive collection of quality tactics to improve the quality of software systems. It serves as a source of ideas for different situations and contexts and helps to achieve the required level of quality for stakeholders. With hundreds of proven tactics, it is an indispensable tool for designing high-quality software architectures. Find this book on Leanpub.

Software Reviews – Identifying Risks and Problems in Software

This practical guide shows you how software systems that have grown over many years can be effectively analyzed and evaluated. More info

Software-Architektur im Stream

Einmal in der Woche diskutiert Eberhard Wolff Software-Architektur im Live-Stream – oft zusammen mit einem Gast. Zuschauer:innen können über Chat, Twitter oder Formular mitdiskutieren oder Fragen stellen. Mehr Infos

Knigge für Softwarearchitekten

In diesem Buch zeigen wir Ihnen unterhaltsame und praxisgerechte Wege zu besseren Softwarearchitekturen – wirkungsvoll, zeitlos und technologieneutral! Sie finden typische Verhaltensmuster von Softwarearchitekten, gute und schlechte. Aus Erfolgsmuster lernen Sie, bessere Systeme zu konstruieren und effektiver zu arbeiten. Aus den »Anti-Patterns« leiten Sie Abhilfen gegen schlechte Architekturmanieren ab. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Evolution und der Änderung von Systemen.

Online Courses

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In-House Training

You can also book this training as an in-house training course exclusively for your team. Please use the enquiry form for more details.

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