
2024-10-28 - 2024-10-29

Docs-as-Code (online) - Ralf D. Müller, Falk Sippach - Deutsch


Architecture documentation is very often neglected. There are many reasons for this, including the use of impractical tools and formats. With the docs-as-code approach, documentation is treated like source code. Documents are created in lightweight text and graphic formats, stored close to the source code in Git repos, for example, and versioned and processed in automated build processes. Based on lean tools and markup languages, this seminar shows how to create documentation that is as redundancy-free as possible, optimized for different target groups and can be continuously delivered in appealing formats.


  • Introduction to Documentation-as-Code and our case study
  • Storage in the version management system
  • Necessary tools and integration into build management
  • Use of markup languages
  • Modularization of documentation
  • Effective creation of diagrams (PlantUML,,, …)
  • Creation of target group-oriented result formats
  • Integration of existing information to avoid redundancies (source code, models, …)
  • Further topics such as microsites and import and export formats

Your Trainers

Falk Sippach


Architecture reviews, Java expert

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Documentation-as-Code
  • Evolution and Improvement of software architectures
  • Fantastic diagrams
  • Flexible architectures

As a trainer, consultant and architect, Falk is always on the lookout for the spark of passion that he can ignite in his participants, customers and colleagues. He has been supporting mostly agile software development projects in the Java environment for over 15 years, initially as a developer and later as a project manager, architect and coach. Falk is convinced that lifelong learning is the prerequisite for professional self-development and lasting enjoyment in what you do. Despite his enthusiasm for new things, he always keeps an eye on people and established structures in order to develop balanced solutions. As an active member of the community, he likes to share his knowledge in articles, blog posts and presentations at conferences or user group meetings and supports the organization of various specialist events. Video: What is Documentation as Code? Falk explains it to you in the stream with Lisa Moritz.

Ralf D. Müller

Docs-as-code, software documentation

  • Documentation-as-Code
  • Fantastic diagrams
  • Prompt engineering for architects and developers

Ralf has continuously refined his skills over more than 25 years in the software industry, evolving from a software developer to an experienced software architect. In addition to designing software architectures, he places great emphasis on clearly communicating and documenting his ideas. With this goal in mind, Ralf initiated the open-source project docToolchain, which focuses on the effective documentation of software architectures. He is also responsible for creating various formats of the arc42 template. As a CPSA-Advanced-certified software architect, Ralf shares his knowledge and experience in training sessions and talks, showing others how to keep architectural documentation simple and up-to-date. Video: More Than Arrows and Boxes – Architecture Diagrams in Software Architecture Stream..

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