Software Analytics, software modernization, initiator cards42
Markus Harrer is a software engineer who’s passionate about improving the way we do software development. He specializes in the analysis of software data such as source code, application performance data or version control repositories to show the underlying problems of the symptoms we face on the surface. He is an active contributor in communities on the topics of Software Analytics, software architecture, software modernization and Java. He is also an accredited trainer for the iSAQB Foundation Level and the Advanced Level Module IMPROVE.
Improve software systems systematically
from 2,025 €
iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture – Foundation Level
from 2,950 €
iSAQB® Module Foundation
Creating plans for the strategic modernization of software systems
by Request
Software Analytics
by Request
iSAQB® Foundation
iSAQB® Foundation
iSAQB® Foundation
This book provides software architects with a comprehensive collection of quality tactics to improve the quality of software systems. It serves as a source of ideas for different situations and contexts and helps to achieve the required level of quality for stakeholders. With hundreds of proven tactics, it is an indispensable tool for designing high-quality software architectures. Find this book on Leanpub.
Mit einer Fülle von praktischen Spielzügen und Fallbeispielen zeigt dieses Buch, wie sich Unternehmen mit ihren Softwaresystemen gegen die Konkurrenz behaupten können. Leserinnen und Leser erhalten wertvolle Anregungen für die Umsetzung von Strategien, um ihre Software nachhaltig weiterzuentwickeln. Zum Buch
This practical guide shows you how software systems that have grown over many years can be effectively analyzed and evaluated. More info
Arcard is a card game, which is about the content of the iSAQB CPSA-FOUNDATION training. This card game was created by our trainer Markus Harrer. You can download it here: Arcard to print at home Please note that Arcard is only available in German.